This weekend, Tech Hockey Guide published an article that we felt reflected the publicly available facts about the relationship between Joe Shawhan and Patriks Marcinkevics. It was a story that we were aware of and working on verifying when an associate of Marcinkevics brought those accusations to the public eye in a series of Instagram posts. We deliberately held back several things that we had been told but had not yet been able to properly verify.

Everyone at THG has a strong love for Michigan Tech Hockey, and we have all come to this team from many different walks of life. We include a current student, multiple past leaders of Mitch’s Misfits, multiple former members of the Huskies Pep Band, and one alumnus who predates Mitch’s Misfits because he was a student during the storied tenure of John MacInnes. This is a passion project that we all dedicate our time to, but it is ultimately unpaid volunteer work.

In the article we published this weekend, we asked you to trust us as we investigated the now-public allegations that would likely result in a significant impact to somebody’s career. While we still feel that this is a story that needs to be investigated by a party independent of the university, we acknowledge that the best path forward for everyone is for a professional reporter to pursue this story. For this reason, we have shared what we know with another outlet that is better equipped for the kind of reporting that a story like this deserves.

Tim is a 2004 graduate of Michigan Tech. He is a co-founder of both Mitch’s Misfits and Tech Hockey Guide. With recent additions to the staff, Tim is again able to focus on his passion, recruiting. He currently works as an environmental engineer and resides in the Minneapolis/St. Paul Area.